Home Industrial Tunnel Oven

Industrial Tunnel Oven

The industrial tunnel oven features high heating speed, short drying time and excellent uniformity. There is minimal waste produced using this drying unit. The cabinet dryer is highly efficient and uses 1/3 of the energy of infrared dryers. The microwave drying power and transport speed are all adjustable.

Industrial Tunnel Oven

Specification DW-1.2-8 DW-1.2-10 DW-1.6-8 DW-1.6-10 DW-2-8 DW-2-10
Unit number 4 6 4 6 4 6
Belt Width (m) 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 2 2
Length of drying section (m) 8 10 8 10 8 10
Thickness of material (mm) 10-80
Temperature /℃ 60-130
Steam pressure /MPa 0.2-0.8
Steam consumption kg/h 2.2-2.5
Drying strength Kg/m2.h 6-20kg/m2.h
Power of fan /KW 3.3 4.4 6.6 8.8 12 16
Total power /KW 4.05 5.15 7.35 9.55 13.1 17.1

Specialized machine for vegetable
Items/Specification Unit Three specialized machines for vegetable in a series Five-layer specialized machine for vegetable
Model DWP-2-10-3 DWF-2-10-3 DW5-3-12
Effective belt width m 2 2 3
Effective belt length m/unit 10 10 12
Number of units Piece 3 3
Number of layers Piece 5
Drying capacity kg/h 600 720 2000
Drying strength kg/h 400-510 480-640 1440-1800
Steam consumption Kg steam/KgH2O 2.2-2.5 2.2-2.5 2.2-2.4
Heating area m2 900 1440 2600
Total power kw 70 52 150
Overall size m 33.2×2.58×2.8 33.2×2.27×2.85 15.3×4.3×8.5
Heat source Steam heater, heat transfer oil, hot air furnace, electric heater

Specialized machine for feed (frame type)
Items Unit DWZ-3×12
Effective belt width m 3
Effective belt length m/unit 12
Working temperature 80-130
Pressure of steam Mpa 0.4-0.8
Drying time min 35-50
Thickness of material cm 5-8
Drying strength kg/h 6-20
Consumption of steam Kgsteam/KgH2O 2-2.4
Total power kw 76
Overall dimension m 15.1×4.3×3.4

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