Home Cementitious Repair Mortar

Cementitious Repair Mortar

Cementitious Repair Mortar

Cementitious Repair Mortar

Cementitious repair mortaris a new type of modified cement based patching material with multi functionand bicomponent. It is composed of special cement,well chosen fine aggregate and polymer additives in reasonable proportion. Ourproduct is suitable for patching material on concrete surface as well asscraping material on new type wall material surface and board surface and soon. It is also widely used for patching
materials in highway, viaduct, marine concrete structure, new and oldbuildings, etc.

Cementitious repair mortar features high impermeability, goodchemical resistance performance, friendly to environment, good compressionstrength and bending resistance, good wear resistance, high strength ofadhesion and low shrinkage. In addition, it is easy to scrape flat and canreduce water sensitivity.

Dosage of cementitious repair mortar isdetermined by the specific situation of construction.

Cementitious Repair Mortar

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