Home Acetone Sulfonate Formaldehyde Condensate Concrete Admixture

Acetone Sulfonate Formaldehyde Condensate Concrete Admixture

Acetone Sulfonate Formaldehyde Condensate Concrete Admixture

Acetone Sulfonate FormaldehydeCondensate Concrete Admixture, AK Type

AK type a
cetonesulfonate formaldehydecondensate concrete admixture is non-air-entraining superplasticizer. It is aliphatic series polymersurfactant, formed by acetone, formaldehyde and sulfonating agent under alkaline catalyticenvironment.

Acetone sulfonate formaldehyde condensateconcrete admixture is applicable in ultra-high-rise buildings, long-spanbridges, offshore oilplatforms for high performance concrete with high strength, high modulus ofelasticity, high fluidity and high impermeability. Also, it can be usedto produce C80 prestressedhigh strength concrete pipe file, free flowing materials and different types ofconcrete, such as ready-mixed type, pumping type, self-compacting type,waterproof type, mass type, early strengthening type, in-situ type, reinforcedtype, etc. Our product is suitable for various Portland cement and also used aspumping agent alone. Acetone sulfonateformaldehyde condensate concrete admixture is widely used in concrete projectsand products for natural curing and steam curing.

1. Acetone sulfonate formaldehyde condensate concrete admixturehas low alkali content and high water reducing rate of 15% to 25%, which canlargely speed up the turnover of template and site and also shorten theconstruction period.
2. It has low slump loss with high plasticity-maintaining property, and it canreduce over 10% of cement consumption without slump loss.
3. Without sacrificing cementing materials and slump, our product can graduallyincrease its compressive strength with over 18% of mixing water reduction.
4. It can significantlyimprove concrete freeze-thaw resistance, impermeability, resistance to sulfateattack, durability and other mechanical properties.
5. It is non-toxic, non-combustible, no corrosion to steel bars and canefficiently reduce alkali-aggregate reaction without sodium sulfatecrystallization in winter.
6. Acetone sulfonateformaldehyde condensate concrete admixture provides good effect when used as pumping agentalone or comlexed withother admixture.


Acetone Sulfonate Formaldehyde Condensate Concrete Admixture




Tan powder

Moisture (%)  

≤ 3.6

Na2SO4 (%)


Fineness (0.315mm remains) (%)

≤ 15

PH value


Chloride Content, as Cl - (%)

≤ 0.1

Na2O plus 0.658K2O (%)

≤ 5.0

Fluidity of cement paste (mm)


Usesand Dosage
1. According to purpose and requirement, dosageof acetone sulfonateformaldehyde condensate concrete admixture occupies 0.5 to 1.5% of the weightof cementing material. For normal concrete which contains 20 to 50 carbonatoms, its dosage ranges from 0.5 to 1.0%, while for high strength concretewhich contains above 50 carbon atoms, its dosage amounts to 1.0 to 1.5%. Inrequirements of different engineering, the optimal dosage is decided byexperiments and general dosage ranges from 0.4% to 1.2%, while recommendeddosage of acetone sulfonateformaldehyde condensate concrete admixture is 0.6% of the weight of cementingmaterials.
2. We can formulate the powder product into required concentration of solution,or directly mix our product with cement aggregate evenly for use.

Woven bag with plastic liner witheach bag weighing 25 kg is ourchoice.


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