Home Filter Inductor Cores

Filter Inductor Cores

Main parameters of filter inductor cores:
Initial permeability: 80000
Curie temperature: 560 (℃)
Saturation magnetic flux density: 1240 (mT)
Remanence: 800 (mT)
Coercive force: 1.2 (A / m)
Density: 7.2 (g / cm3)

♦ Protect delicate electronic equipment
♦ Power EMI filter out of common mode interference
♦ Single-phase and three-phase power supply line common mode filtering

♦ High permeability low coercivity - with high insert ion loss in the line, the device provides an efficient, effective suppression of common mode EMI noise
♦ Good frequency characteristics - a wide frequency range
♦ Good temperature stability – operating temperature range of -55-130 ℃.

Filter Inductor Cores

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