Electronics are increasingly being manufactured to be thin and light weight. Because of that, higher requirements for heat radiation functions, electromagnetic interface (EMI) resistance and waste recycle are increasing. Due to that, aluminum alloys have become a preferred choice in materials for electronic products.
Features of Aluminum Products
1. Aluminum alloy products that have been exposed to air have a transparent oxide film as a protective film. Applying a surface treatment of photo oxidation, the aluminum product's corrosion resistance increases.
2. Aluminum alloy, such as aluminum foils for capacitors and transformers, have a smaller density and a higher electrical and thermal conductivity. This makes it suitable for extruding processes and favored by electronic product manufacturers.
3. The most basic electronic element is an aluminum electrolysis capacitor, which is widely used in electronic information and electronic products.
Our Advantages
Summary Resources is a well-known supplier of alloy plates, checker plate coils and wires. With a strong manufacturing capacity and reasonable prices, we can meet specific customer requirements for aluminum products that effectively improve the quality of their electronic products.