Home Synthetic Diamond Powder (MBD and SMD)

Synthetic Diamond Powder (MBD and SMD)

Both MBD and SMD range synthetic diamond powders are super-hard abrasive materials, with cubo-octahedron crystals delivering a high impact strength, unsurpassed thermal strength and stability.

Process Flow Diagram

1. Hydraulic press: The press is where diamond crystal are grown under high temperature and pressure conditions.
2. Sieving machine: different sized crystals are achieved using a sieving process.
3. Washing machine: Impurities are removed from the diamond.
4. Drying machine: the wet diamond crystals are dried.

Synthetic Diamond Powder (MBD and SMD)

Beyond the general imprint as a functional part of cutting tools for working hard stones and concrete, these synthetic diamond powders are also becoming more common in electroplating tools and drills for construction, mining and oil industries.

These super hard synthetic diamond powders are an excellent choice for grinding glass, ceramic, hard alloy, stones, concrete and refractories.

Technical Specifications
Grain Size Chinese Standards FEPA Mesh Size
(micron) GB/T6406-1995
Grain Code Grain Code
600/425 30/40 D602 40#
425/355 40/45 D426 45#
355/300 45/50 D356 50#
300/250 50/60 D301 60#
250/212 60/70 D251 70#
212/180 70/80 D213 80#
180/150 80/100 D180 100#
150/125 100/120 D151 120#
125/106 120/140 D126 140#
106/90 140/170 D107 170#
90/75 170/200 D91 200#
75/63 200/230 D76 230#
63/53 230/270 D64 270#
53/45 270/325 D54 325#
45/38 325/400 D46 400#

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