Home Plastic Bearing (Anti-Acid / Alkali)

Plastic Bearing (Anti-Acid / Alkali)

High corrosion resistant bearings such as the anti-acid and anti-alkali bearings are applicable in corrosive environments such as water, weak acid and alkali, and strong acid and reactive gas environments. Shenglei provides a full range of plastic bearings, among which are the anti-acid and anti-alkali bearings, made from HDPE, PP, or UPE material. They have been proven applicable to most acid, alkali, salt, solvents, seawater and other corrosive conditions. Our anti-acid/anti-alkali bearings have self-lubricating functions (without oil) and are both magnetism and electricity insulated. However, these industrial plastic bearings, including the HDPE bearings, PE-UHMW bearing and the PP bearing all have a low mechanical strength and are easily deformed. This means they are not suitable for high speed or large load applications.

Plastic Bearing  (Anti-Acid / Alkali)

The UPE bearings feature a high mechanical strength and low friction, making them suitable for low temperature conditions, with a minimum temperature of -150℃. Generally, its rings are made of HDPE, PP, or UPE, as are the cages. The rollers are usually glass, stainless steel or ceramic. This design significantly improves the performance of the bearing.

1. High Corrosion Resistance: This bearing can work well under corrosive conditions (both inorganic and organic media included) within a certain temperature and concentration range.
2. High Mechanical Strength: This bearing has a high stiffness, even at -196℃.
3. Excellent Self-Lubrication and High Abrasion Resistance
4. Anti-Adhesion
5. Low Water Absorption
6. Resistance to High Energy Radiation

The anti-acid/anti-alkali bearing is a common bearing that is widely used for electromechanical devices, fitness equipment, food machinery, furniture, construction, decoration and more.

Common Materials of Plastic Bearings
PartsCommon Materials
BallsGlass, ZRO2, SI3N4, PP

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