Home Triadimefon


Triadimefon (Otria 25/Sunmefon)

Brief Introduction
1. Product name: Triadimefon
2. Other names: Otria 25, Sunmefon, Rofon, Bayleton, Nurex, Azocene, BAY 6681F, MEB 6447, Acizol, Amiral, Bay MEB 6447, Haleton
3. Formulation: 25% WP
4. CAS No.: 43121-43-3
5. CBNumber: CB7426290
6. Molecular Formula: C14H16ClN3O2

Product Features
Triadimefon is a strongly systemic fungicide that has two-way conductive function. It also plays the roles of prevention, eradication, treatment and fumigation in plant protection with long-lasting efficacy.


Applicable CropTargeted DiseaseDosageApplication Method
WheatPowdery mildew420g/hectareSpray
CucumberPowdery mildewThe dilution is 2000-5000 times.

1. The pre-harvest interval of the triadimefon is 20 days. Spraying for 2 times at most per quarter is advisable.
2. This pesticide is toxic to fishes and aquatic organisms.
3. Please wear masks, gloves and put on protective suits during the application. Smoking, eating and drinking are forbidden.


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