Home Ultra Clear Patterned Glass

Ultra Clear Patterned Glass

Ultra Clear Patterned Glass

Ultra Clear Patterned Glass

Ultra clear patterned glass is a translucent figured glass which allows moretransmission of daylight than clear patterned glass, while obscuring visibilityof objects. The glass product is manufactured by the Roll-Out-Process, wherebya roller imprints the pattern onto the glass surface.

The clear patterned glass comes insizes of 1500*2000mm, 1830*2440mm etc. Theproduct thicknesses include 3.2mm, and 4mm etc.
The ultra clear patterned glass comes with the Mistlite pattern. The surface pattern of thepatterned glass allows diffused daylight transmission but prevents visibilityof activity, thus ensuring privacy. Also the pattern makes the glass highlysuitable for decorative applications.
In addition to substrate for each level of solar glass, the ultra clearpatterned glass is applicable to windows for housing, flats and generalconstruction, furniture, display bases, house fittings, partitions,decorations for front doors and shop display, as well as wall and ceilingcladdings, etc.

As a specialized ultra clear patterned glass manufacturer and supplier in China, we notonly provide patterned glass, but also offer laminated glass, low-E glass,solar glass, float glass, among others.

Ultra Clear Patterned Glass

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