AL16Residual Current Circuit Breaker
Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) with overcurrent protection
The AL16 Residual Current Circuit Breaker incorporates a residual currentoperated electromagnetic release which operates without any auxiliary source ofsupply to open a circuit automatically in the case of an earth leak faultbetween phase and earth greater than or equal to I△n.
The AL16 combined Miniature Circuit Breaker & Residual Current CircuitBreaker Provides:
1. protection against indirect contact
2. complementary protection against direct contact
3. protection for the installation against insulationfaults
AL16Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection
The leak protective breaker, the (phase wire neutralwire leak overload voltage) protective breaker isused in the single phase residence circuit of AC. 50Hz/60Hz, rated voltage220V, used as electron shock protection. It can protect civil electron circuitfrom overload and short-circuit. This product has advantages of small volume,high breaking capacity zero, and live wires are connected off at the same time,also protecting person from electric shock when the livewire connectedopposite. This product conforms to IEC61009, GB6829,GB/16917Standard.
AL16Residual Current Circuit Breaker
AL16 Residual Current Circuit Breaker without over current protection conformsto the standards of GB 16916.1,IEC 1008,BS4293 etc. It is used in the circuitsof AC50-60Hz,single phase 230V(220V),three phases 400V(380V) in industrial& mining enterprises, commercial buildings and housing for protection ofpersonal electric shock hazard and electric equipment and for unfrequent switchover of circuits under normal conditions.
This residual current device is intended for installation within an enclosurein an ambient temperature between-5°C and 40°C with an average value notexceeding 35°C over a 24 hour period. It should not be installed at an altitudegreater than 2000m above sea level, nor in an atmosphere subject to excessivepollution by smoke, dust, chemical fumes, salt laden spray, prolonged periodsof high humidity or other abnormal conditions. See current product cataloguesfor a wide range of suitable enclosure.
Customers has given high praises for our high quality electronic componentssuch as miniature circuit breaker, earth leakage circuit breaker, AC contactor,Power relay, etc.