Natural gas has lower cost than heating with electricity and causes lesser pollution compared to diesel or heavy crude oil which makes it an ideal fuel. Natural gas is fully combusted, higher combustion efficiency and reacts well with air. It burns upon contact with air and has low carbon content which makes it an environmentally friendly energy source. Countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Thailand, etc. implement natural gas in melting furnace. The most significant advantage in using natural gas as fuel is the fast combustion speed and furnace volume can be designed largely. Usually, the melting furnaces from our company has capacity range between 5 to 60 tons.
In March 2012, a customer from Uzbekistan approached us to purchase 25 tons natural gas melting furnace. The customer used diesel as burning fuel previously which has low combustion efficiency and causes serious pollution. The local government requested them to reform the factory in order to reduce emission and pollution to the environment. The customer visited our company and highly recognized the quality of our melting furnace and its design. We brought them to the aluminum factory in Foshan and they had witnessed the production line of the melting furnace using natural gas of our company. Later, the customer proposed his request and contract is signed between both parties to confirm the purchase of 25 tons melting and holding furnace with natural gas after substantial communication with us. We completed the production within 90 days and arranged for shipping process. Our customer received our equipment 45 days later and it took two months for the installation and commissioning process. We provided technical guidance to our customers for a duration of 3 months. They feedback to us regarding the melting furnace which increased 30% of the production efficiency and lowered the cost by 20%, meeting their expectations.