Home UV curing and solid color fluorocarbon roller paint coating line

UV curing and solid color fluorocarbon roller paint coating line

The inorganic panels are first painted with high-quality putty powder, and then are cured with UV. Afterwards, they are roller coated with primer and finally roller coated with metal fluorocarbon paint for twice.
Fluorocarbon paint shows outstanding durability and decorative performance. So the processed thermal insulated panel surfaces are not only smooth and bright but also abrasion and moisture resistant.

Process flow 1. Dust cleaning machine 2. Putty spraying machine 3. Conveyor 4. Double UV curing 5. Conveyor 6. Forward and inverse roller paint coating machine 7. Conveyor 8. Triple UV curing 9. Conveyor 10. Primer sander machine 11. Dust cleaning machine 12. Forward and inverse roller paint coating machine13. Conveyor14. Leveling and drying machine15. Conveyor16. Horizontal belt conveyor 17. Conveyor18. Forward and inverse roller paint coating machine19. Conveyor 20. Leveling and drying machine 21. Single roller paint coating machine 22. Conveyor23. Leveling and drying machine24. Conveyor → 25. Automatic lifter

TANY Machinery focuses on manufacturing machines and production line of construction wall partition panels with compound material. The wall panels made by these wall panel plants are light weight and they are suitable for any interior partition of building. Wall panel fabricated can increase construction efficiency and lower construction cost. We can offer various wall panel production plants for clients who want to use different compound material and we have already manufactured these wall panel production plants to some countries with good service.

UV curing and solid color fluorocarbon roller paint coating line

panel painting, insulated wall panel, floor panel, furniture panel

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