Mezzanine Shelving Rack
Mezzanine shelving rack, with an overhead mezzanine rack system, isideally suitable for those situations such as high warehouse, manual delivery,large storage volume, etc. The mezzanine rack system which ranges from 250 toover 250,000 square feet allows utilization of unused overhead space. When youneed additional floor space for office, storage, assembly, or lightmanufacturing, you can adopt the kind of product.
Mezzanine shelving rack is mainly designed to thewarehouse layout of manufacturers. Generally, there are two or three layers andthe bottom rack is used to store pallets or goods and the second rack can storesome parts and components or light but large-size goods. It is convenient to accessgoods. The realistic space utilization of this shelving rack is no so high butit is quite flexible. The second rack is not only used to store irregulargoods, but also becomes a workshop such as the extended production lines ofpackaging. In addition, you can add some laminates such as mesh, board or steelshelf to deposit accessories and small pieces.
Thismezzanine shelving rack, generally speaking, consists of two layers or threelayers. Of course, four layers or above is not commended on account of takingfactor of safety, practicability, price into consideration. Among thesefactors, your first concern is security and you must hold the principle ofsafety first.