Track Sleeper Concrete Mould Release Agent, MNC-TSType
MNC-TS type track sleeperconcrete mould release agent is milky white mould release agent with fragrantflavor and fine texture. It originates from crude oil, treated by clay contact decolorization process andrefined by appropriate amount of catalyst, antiseptic, anticoagulant,antioxidant and so on. Our product is dedicated to the railway sleepers on themold release process.
Our track sleeper concrete mould release agent is environment-friendly product,featuring high purity, high fat content, high temperature resistance, lowsolidifying point, inflaming retarding, good rain-proof effect, high stabilityof quality, strong antioxidant, no erosion, no explosion, non-radioactive, nopollution, no explosion, and no harm to human body.
Compared with motor oil, track sleeper concrete mould release agent can betwice as cheap as that or other mold release products, and reduce two-thirds ofpores and bubbles in similar area to make surface smooth and beautiful. Aftermold release, there is little dust and no fouling on mold, which is easy toclean without vestiges. Besides, it provides the function of rust prevention,restores its finish by cleaning, and delays mold life. In the case of tighttime and heavy task, mold stripping, cleaning, spraying and formwork erectioncan be carried out at the same time to improve mold turnover rate with highproduction efficiency.
Preservation method
Track sleeper concrete mould release agent should be placed inside under sealwith 3 years of shelf life, not allowed for exposure to sun and rain. Even insummer with no indoor storage condition, coverage with ventilation is a must.In high and cold region, our product should be stored with anti-freezing. Forexample, you can place it close to storehouse with heater or maintenance pitfor storage.