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Hydraulic Lift


The SINO-DHLhydraulic lift with double cylinder is generally used for cargo loading andunloading. In case there is height difference between the truck and the floor,our product can regulate the height difference by building a follow-up slope,whose height is adjustable based on the loading conditions of the truck.

This material handling equipment greatly reduces the workload, because theforklift can be used for loading and unloading cargos directly through the slopconstructed. The double-cylinderhydraulic lift is well received byvirtue of the following features.

1. Easy Operation
Operation on the control button is required to have the platform rise to thehighest point. The lapping board will land on the truck for goods loading,subsequently. The hydraulic lift will return to the normal position upon thecompletion of task through one-button operation.

2. Multiple Safety Function
This range of isquite safe during operation. In case the truck slides suddenly, the pressuresensor will detect the sudden change to inform the emergency stop valve to stopthe platform movement. The double cylinder can afford the weight of theforklift and the cargo, to avoid accident occurrence.

In addition, the iron stopper for the hydraulic lift is optional to avoid trucksliding. The guard plate can effectively prevent the toe from pinching.Besides, the forklift and the cargo can be well protected, also.

3. Arc Platform
The arc platform makes sure stable height adjustment. Conforming to EN1398 standard, the platform and the elongatingboard are fully hydraulically controlled.

4. Double Cylinder
There are two cylinders designed at the left and rightside of the hydraulic lift, ensuring optimal stability and balance duringoperation. In addition to the wide adjustment range, the cylinder is providedin inverted design, eliminating the invalidation of the urgent hydraulic valvecaused by blocking.

5. Steel Plates with Lath and Lentil Form
The platform surface, front lapping board and theframework are all made of high strength anti-slide corrugated steel plates with lath and lentil form. So, the forklift candrive on and off the platform safely.

6. Fully Enclosed Main Frame
To obtain optimal sturdinessduring transportation, installation and utilization, the main frame of the automatic lifting toolis engineered in fully enclosed structure. The front bottom side rail isproduced from 16# box iron.

7. I Beam
As mentioned above, our hydraulic lift is engineeredwith double cylinders; therefore, it is possible to distribute the 10 I beams(width>1950) uniformly, ensuring the equal distribution of the stress fromthe platform. Our product has longer service life, compared with the devicewith L or △type stiffener, or 6 I beams.


8. Unique Follow-up Design
With the employment of the follow-up design, theautomatic lifter can adjust the lift heightand direction according that of the truck. The lapping board can regulate upand down within the range of 100mm, to compensation the left and right heightdifference of the wagon box.

9. Hydraulic System Imported from Germany
Our product employs the hydraulic system imported fromGermanyto ensure the stable performance and low failure rate. An emergency brakingdevice is included, also.

10. Emergency Braking Device
Under thecircumstance that the truck departs from the lift platform (abnormal workingstate), and the forklift and cargo are on the platform, the braking valve builtin the hydraulic cylinder will brake emergently when detecting the suddengravity variation. To guarantee the safety of the operator, cargo and thetruck, the hydraulic lift will lock automatically after descending for 2cm. No other lock or support is required.

Note: for the utilization lower than horizontal plane, the security supportmakes no difference.

11. Emergency Stopping Push Button

Our hydraulic lift can be stopped by pressing the emergency stopping pushbutton on the control box for abnormal situation.

12. Unique Duckbilled Thickened LappingBoard
The lapping board is designed with 5-7°arc at the front end, effectively avoiding forkliftbumping during operation. As shown in the picture, the loading and unloading isconducted smoothly and continuously. The horizontal anti-slide design ensuresthe safe operation.

The tube welded loose-leaf structure increases the contact area, guaranteeinguniform stress distribution and reasonable force transmission. So, ourhydraulic lift is more sturdy and durable for use.

13.Other Related Information
Rated Bearing Capacity: Dynamic load: 6 tons
                    Static load:12.2 tons (Conforming to EN1398 standard)
Working Range: ±300mm (Angle for safe use: ±12.5%)
Power Supply: 380V±10%, 50Hz, 0.75kW
Standard Color: RAL5007 Blue
Standard Height: 600
1. A pair of large-scale high quality bumper in the size of 100×W250×500, or 100mm×250mm×500mm(D×W×L) designed in stacked structure with
reinforced fibre.
2. An U-shape jackstay for easy maintenance.
3. Lapping board is optional

Trapezoid lapping board

Sectional lapping board

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