Home Wheat Flour

Wheat Flour

Zhongsheng is a leading wheat flour importer and exporter in China. Based on years of experience in sales of grain flour, we have been constantly choosing more competent suppliers for ensured quality and competitive price. Now, we are renowned for offering excellent Ukrainian flour and Indian flour.

In order to help you get better understanding about wheat and corn flour, we list a list of glossary for assistance.

1. Crude Protein
This is one method to determine the protein content of whole wheat flour. The level is denoted by percentage. Crude protein is the one of the key nutrition specifications. Higher level implies better quality.

2. Wet Gluten
Gluten is the predominant component in flour for bread baking and other fermented foods. The quantity and quality of gluten contained play a significant role in determining the quality of flour products. Wet gluten is the kind of undried gluten that contains certain moisture content. This value is denoted by percentage. Larger value comes with higher quality.

3. Sedimentation Value
This value is the measurement of gluten content and quality contained in wheat flour, and is stated in milliliter. Obviously, high gluten flour enjoys good quality.

4. Dough Development Time
Short development time is caused by gluten in less quantity and lower quality.

5. Dough Stability Time
Short stability time is not desirable, because it is the characteristic of less tolerance and the gluten matrix is unstable.

6. Quality Evaluation
The comprehensive indicator on quality and price of wheat flour. Large value means better quality.

7. Baking Quality
Remarkable backing quality requires strong water absorption, tolerance, extensibility and elasticity, as well as medium fermentation tolerance and no sticking when kneading, cutting and baking. Flour with excellent baking quality generates bread in large loaf volume, uniformed extension and appealing color. Moreover, the crack-free bread is tender, flavorful, light and delicious. The holes are small and uniformed.

Wheat Flour

8. Loaf Volume
The volume of loaf that generated by 100 g flour. Loaf volume is stated in milliliter. Higher loaf volume shows that the flour has exceptional quality.

9. Specific Volume
Specific volume is calculated as the ration of the loaf volume to the loaf weight. It is considered to be one of the key indicators of bread quality. It is noted that bread from strong flour of high protein content comes with greater specific volume, resulting in greater loaf volume as well.

10. Water Absorption
Water absorption is related to the water volume needed for reaching the desirable consistency during dough kneading. High water absorption is responsible for large bread output volume.

11. Falling Number
Falling number (FN) serves as the indicator of alpha-amylase activity. Hard wheat flour, which has large falling number and low alpha-amylase activity, is proved to be ideal for bread making. On the other hand, soft flour with medium FN value and alpha-amylase activity is well-suited material for biscuits and pastries.

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