Home Social Security

Social Security

In 1999, HED developed the first China-made social security card chip.
From July to November 2011, the People’s Bank of China and the Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security of the People’s Republic of China jointly issued several important documents.  These include the Adding Financial Functions on Social Security Card, General Specification for Adding Financial Functions on Social Security Card, and the Specification for Full-Application Terminal of Financial Social Security Card.  The aforementioned documents are the technical standards for implementing financial functions on the social security card.  Our company worked as the system integrator during this reform.  We have assisted government agencies in an intensively study of the current industry to enable the smooth drafting of reasonable specifications.
The memory capacities of our smart chips for social security cards include sizes such as 8k, 16k, and 32k. Supported types of cryptographic algorithms include SSF33, SM1, DES, RSA, etc.

Social Security

Smart Chip Solutions for Social Security Cards
Both the SHC1232 and CIU5132A smart card chips support cryptographic algorithms such as SSF33, SM1, DES, and RSA. These chips are manufactured in accordance with all relevant social security standards and PBOC specifications. With the help of our smart chips, social security cards will become one-card capable, enabling functions such as public service, commercial applications, and financial services.

The chip operating system (COS) that is based on our chip meets the requirements of the social security project. This indicates its support for the 5-in-1 function for medical insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance, and maternity insurance. Its conformance with the PBOC specification makes it ideal for financial applications. That is, the social security card chips can be utilized as credit card chip, debit card chip, e-cash card chip, etc. There is no interference between social security and financial applications due to the separation by firewall.

Social Security Card Chip Functions
1. Multi-level directory management
2. Various file formats for financial and social security applications
3. Independent key management for financial and social security applications
4. Diverse safe access modes and access control mechanisms
5. Many data transfer modes
6. A variety of security algorithms: SSF33, DES/3DES, RSA, etc.
7. CA application
8. Data mirroring and transaction protection

Chip Details
Model Features Note
32kB EEPROM, ISO/IEC7816, DES/SSF33, PKI In accordance with social security and PBOC specifications
32k bytes of EEPROM, ISO/IEC7816, DES/SSF33, PKI

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