Home Gas Fired Hot Air Generator / Heat Exchanger

Gas Fired Hot Air Generator / Heat Exchanger

The RQL gas fired hot air generator is a heat exchanger that burns natural gas, LP gas, and bio-gas as a heating source. We provide two kinds of gas furnaces - direct burning and indirect burning. A direct gas fired hot air generator will burn gas with an output temperature reaching a maximum of up to 600℃ (1,112℉). Anindirect gas fired hot air generator will burn gas and introduce clean hot air into the dryer after transferring heat, reaching a maximum output temperature of around 300℃ (572℉). The choice of direct or indirect type of industrial furnace depends on the user's raw material.

Gas Fired Hot Air Generator / Heat Exchanger

When the output temperature reaches a determined value, the gas heat generator will shut off or will automatically reduce to a small flame. The gas combustion furnace uses the Italian brand of Riello or Unigas.

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