Algal Oil DHA Powder
We are professional algal oil DHA powder manufacturer in China. Algaloil DHA powder is known as DHA algae powder and DHA algae oil product. DHA,abundant in human being's brain cells, is the main part of the cells,accounting for 25-33%.
Featuresof Algal Oil DHA Powder
1. Algal oil DHA powder is extracted from marinealgae without containing EPA.
2. It has no fish smell nor contains cholesterol.
3. Algal oil DHA powder is the cleanest and most secure pant DHA without beingaffected by ocean pollution.
4. It can be added to food for infants.
MainFunctions of DHA in Algal Oil DHA Powder
1. DHA (docosahexaenoicacid) is an important fatty acid in brain visual cells. It plays thesignificant role in infants' brain and visual system development. DHA is alsoreferred to as "IQ factor".
2. DHA can accelerate bone growth and prevent osteoporosis.
3. DHA can reduce the occurrence rate of neurasthenia and postpartum depressionof postpartum women.
4. DHA can be used to treat myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis,hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Clinical trials and animalfeeding studies show that DHA helps to reduce blood liqids,blood viscosity, platelet cohesion and occurrence rate of vascular disease andto increase the physiological function of HDL..
5. DHA can improve immune system, promote adult peripheral blood mononuclearcell proliferation, and prevent abnormal proliferation of tumor cells.
We are one of the major DHA powder and hard capsulemanufacturers and suppliers in China.We have decades' experience in producing dietary supplements, such as softgels and granules and algal oil DHA powder. Our mainproducts include hard capsules, tablets, fish oil, fishcollagen and so on, besides DHA powder. They are widely used in such fields asfunctional food, health care food, drugs, and dairy products. With stability,high rate of application, convenient carriage, our products have won a lot ofcustomers in countries, such as German, Russia,France, Portugal, Italy,Peru and South Africa.Welcome softgel and DHA powder purchasers to contactus!