Home Fanout Fiber Optic Cable

Fanout Fiber Optic Cable

The GJBFJV fanout fiber optic cable uses tight buffered fiber unit which has 6 cores and the diameter of the core is 900μm. Outside the tight buffered fiber is the aramid strength member and outer jacket for protection. Many small jackets are placed in parallel around the FRP, making up the cable core. Water blocking material is added outside. Outside the water blocking material is a layer of LSZH jacket which is extruded to be round. The fiber count ranges from 24 to 108. Fanout fiber optic cable can be used as the indoor main cable.

Fanout Fiber Optic Cable

Used for indoor wiring, fiber to the home, fiber to the desktop.
Used for splitting sub-cables according to the requirement at the network demarcation point.
Thefanout fiber cable can be easily divided into single fiber lines.
Used for network constructions which include 3G, 4G, 5G, FTTH and CATV.

Standard Technical Parameters
cable type fiber count cable diameter(mm) cable weight(kg/km) tensile strength long-term/short-term (N) crush resistance long-term/short-term (N/100mm) bending radius dynamic/static (mm)
GJBFJV 24 10.4±0.5 96 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 30 12.4±0.5 149 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 36 13.5±0.5 185 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 48 15.7±0.5 265 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 60 18±0.5 350 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 72 20.5±0.5 440 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 96 20.5±0.5 448 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D
GJBFJV 108 20.5±0.5 448 400/1320 300/1000 20D/10D

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Optical Properties
50/125μm 65.5/125μm G.652 G.655
attenuation @850 ≤3.5db/km ≤3.5db/km
@1300 ≤1.5db/km ≤1.5db/km
@1310 ≤0.5db/km ≤0.50db/km
@1550 ≤0.4db/km ≤0.40db/km
bandwidth (A grade) @850 ≥500Mhz.Km ≥200Mhz.Km
@1300 ≥1000Mhz.Km ≥600Mhz.Km
numerical aperture 0.200±0.015NA 0.275±0.015NA
cable cutoff wavelength ≤1260 nm ≤1450 nm
additional attenuations due to temperature (-20℃~+60℃) @1300 ≤0.25db/km ≤0.25db/km
@1550 ≤0.10db/km ≤0.15db/km
Features The fanout fiber optic cable can separate out sub-cables according to the requirements at the network demarcation point. The fanout fiber optic cable can be easily divided into subcables. There's no need for conducting the cutover of the whole cable. Reducing the number of the cable connectors can make the construction more convenient. Due to the reduction of the number of the cable connectors, the incidence rate of the fiber optic cable fault decreases and the reliability of the cable line increases.

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