Home Logistic Pallet

Logistic Pallet

Logistic Pallet


Logistic Pallet is divided into three categoriesby its materials and they are wooden, plastic and steel pallet. It is amounting platform that combines packaging, stacking, carrying and transportingtogether. As a unit load devices similar to containers, it is widely used inthe field of manufacturing, transporting, storing and circulating and isregarded as the one of two key innovations in logistics industry of 20 century. Pallet is also importantequipment for loading, storing and transporting. The combination of pallet andforklift plays a significant role in modern logistics. In addition, itsbenefits mainly are as follows. It can realize blocking, standardizing andnormalizing of goods packaging, protect goods and bring conveniences forlogistics and commodities circulation. We will provide high-quality pallet forconsumers.

Wooden pallet enjoys the most popularity all over the world due to the featureof its low cost, high flexural strength, good rigidity, large bearing capacity,high accuracy, hard to deformation, excellent fixity, good resistance to lowand high temperature, and wide range of application.Its weakness is hard to clean and is not used in those places which aredemanding for hygiene and environmental protection. (The second picture)

Plastic pallet comes with the characteristic of cleanness, good integrity, easyto disinfect, light weight, acid and alkali-resistance and with a 5-7 timesservice life of wooden pallet. In addition, pallet is green and able torecycle. Although its price is higher than wooden pallet, its total cost willbe lower than the latter. (The third picture)

Steel pallet has the largest bearing capacity and excellent slip resistance. Itis green and qualifies for exporting but comes with a heavy weight. (The fourthpicture)

Logistic Pallet

The size and thickness of three pallets are able to be customized. Also, itadopts the international standards. Please contact us if you need more detailedinformation.


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