Home Wall Cladding and Siding Accessory

Wall Cladding and Siding Accessory

Wall Cladding and Siding Accessory

Wall Cladding and Siding Accessory

Wall claddingand siding accessory, used as construction material for exterior walls, hasdecoration and insulation effects. Because of long-term exposure to sunlight,the quality is critically important to realize firm installation anddurability. This series of products contain fiber cement wall corner, metalwall corner, metal fastening clip, silicone sealant, foam backer rod andgalvanized self-tapping screw. Wall corner has decorative effects and we candesign flower type and color of fiber cement wall corner to achieve harmonybetween wall corner and board. Made of aluminum alloys, our metal corner hasthe feature of light weight and cheap price. Metal fastening clip, siliconesealant and foam backer rod are comprehensively used in the construction ofexterior siding and they can effectively improve the weather resistance andextend the life of the siding. Galvanized self-tapping screw, with highprecision and excellent mechanical properties, is safe and reliable forfixation of exterior siding. Besides that, there are many specifications ofwall cladding and siding accessory for customers to choose and with cheapprices, customers from domestic and abroad are all welcomed to cooperate withus.

Wall Cladding and Siding Accessory

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