Home PC Injection Mold

PC Injection Mold

PC Injection Mold

PC Injection Mold

The PC injection mold allows the capacitor shell to be molded with all thefine properties enjoyed by the material itself. The reason why choose PC in the injection molding isthat it can be easily worked,molded and thermoformed. The material known by thetrademarked names Lexan, Makrolon, Makroclear and others is a particular type ofthermoplastic polymer, and can be made into the shell product of high quality.

DetailedProduct Information

Project Name

Capacitor shell

Number of Parts

2 parts in 1 tooling



Product Size

Φ85.00mm H48.00mm

Exported Country/Customer


Detailed Mold Information

Cavity No.



Lexan PC(940NC)

Tonnage of Moulding Machine


Core Cavity Material


Mold Life Warranty


Mould Type

2 plate

Mould Size


Mold Base


Mold Features


Mould Weight

186 kg

Runner system

Cold Runner

Gate Type


The material polycarbonate (PC) available for the injectionmold got its name because it is a polymer containing carbonate group. It isderived from rigid monomer and commonly used for commercial interest. With goodtemperature resistance, impact resistance, heat resistant, flame retardance and opticalproperties, it is regarded as a typical type of commodity plastics andengineering plastics. Due to the above mentioned characteristics of the PCmaterial, our molded product enjoys high performance.

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Our PC injectionmold can be applied to manufacture the plastic case of the capacitor. Afterinjection molding, the shell comes with a diameter of 85mm and height of 48mm.It is also processed with flat surface and high finish. The housing is made ofdurable PC material, so that it can ensure proper work of the capacitor, aswell as safe and stable operation of internal circuit.

The PC injection mold with the size of 260mm × 160mm × 50.5mm weighs 186kg. Asingle mold is equipped with two cavities, working together to process twokinds of capacitor shells. The base takes advantage of the LKM S50C steel andthe cavity makes use of the S136 steel, making the whole mold less likely to bedestroyed. With a long mold life, it can produce 300K pieces of shell products.

PC Injection Mold


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