Home Automotive Connector

Automotive Connector

Automotive Connector

Automotive Connector

The automotive connector isone of our biggest categories, covering all parts of a vehicle. The types ofauto connectors we've developed include 38way ABS Module1 38p ABS, 2way wire setconnector 2P, 2way relay housing series 2p, 50way airbag 50P, A1 5way Relay 5P,fuse box, position lamp, turn signal socket, wire set connector, and so on.

As there'replenty of auto connectors we've made, here will list one of them only.

Product Information

Project Name

38way ABS Module1 38p ABS

Number of Parts



PA66 GF20%

Product Size

64.65*17.1*13.93 mm

Exported Country/Customer


The 38way ABS Module1 38pABS automotive connector has the advantages of high tensile strength, shockresistance, impact resistance, anti-skidding performance, wear resistance, aswell as chemical resistance. In addition, it also features good low temperatureresistance and self-extinguishing. The mold information of this automotiveconnector is shown as below.

Mold Details

Cavity No.



PA6 10%GF

Tonnage of Moulding Machine


Core Cavity Material


Mold life Warranty


Mould Type

2 plate

Mould Size


Mold Base


Mold Features

No slider

No lifter

Mould Weight

190 KG

Runner System


Gate Type


The automotiveconnector mold is a tooling used to make the car connector shell. The shell canprovide protection to the internal mounting plate, and alignment of the plugand socket to ensure smooth connection. With the size of 300mm × 250mm × 361mmand the weight of 190kg, the mold . The mold can produce the shell with thestandard size of 64.65mm × 17.1mm × 13.93mm. In addition, it features high workefficiency and can be used to process four shells at the same time. Due to thefour cavities made of SKD61 and VIKING tool steel, and base manufactured fromLKM S50C steel, the automotive connector mold enjoys high durability and canfinish the production task of at least 1KK car connector shell.

Automotive Connector


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