Home Wood Peeling Machine

Wood Peeling Machine

The wood peeling machine is also known as a wood debarker. It is a wood processing machine that is designed to remove bark from the wood. It is suitable for the bark removal of newly cut softwood and different broad leaved wood. It also works on frozen and dry wood. Our log peeler is an ideal pretreatment machine for pelletizing processes.

1. The wood peeling machine is equipped with four side edge cutting tools, and a cutter disk. The cutter disk is controlled using an advanced hydraulic system, ensuring a reliable performance and working efficiency of the machine.
2. Thislog peeling machine is designed with an open material bin that allows the logs to be fed from one end, then discharged at the other, ensuring a continuous production and an increased production efficiency. This design has none of the disadvantages of a drum debarker, as material feeding and discharging are conducted separately.
3. Our wood peeling machine is adaptable to different uses. It can peel the bark from different species of wood, as well as logs that are different diameters, shapes and lengths. Due to the continuous impact on the debarking teeth, the logs move in a circular manner inside the housing of the wood peeler, as well as rotating themselves, making the wood peeler a multi-functional peeling machine that effectively carries out the bark removal of Aspen, Eucalyptus, Xylosma, Elm and other wood types that are difficult to remove the bark from, as its bark removal efficiency is 95%. As the logs rotate and bump inside the machine housing, even sunken parts of crooked logs will come into contact with the debarking teeth for an effective bark removal.
4. This wood peeling machine is easy to use and maintain. Users can use it immediately upon arrival in their factory, and requires no base installation. The wood debarker removes bark efficiently with little to no damage to the wood. Its vibration and noise levels are much lower drum debarkers.

Wood Peeling Machine

Structure and Working Principle
This wood peeling machine is composed primarily of the feeding system, discharging system, cutter disk, transmission system and the underframe.

The rotors with debarking teeth are used in the log debarker to provide a unique force that causes rubbing, impacting and squeezing between the logs and the teeth, logs and other logs, and logs and the bin trough. As a result, bark is removed through each of these actions.

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