Home Four-Roller Plate Rolling Machine

Four-Roller Plate Rolling Machine

The four-roller plate rolling machine utilizes the upper roller for transmission and provides the torque for plate rolling through the meshing of output gear and upper roller gear. The lower roller is in vertical lift motion, driven by the action of hydraulic oil inside the cylinder upon the piston, and in this way, the plate is tightly clamped. The side rollers are equipped at both sides of the lower roller, which obliquely moves along the guide rail.

Four-Roller Plate Rolling Machine

The four-roller plate rolling machine provides the one-stop service for plate rolling and end pre-bending. It is really your best choice.

Technical Parameters
Model Working length (mm) Maximum thickness (mm) Pre-bending thickness (mm) Upper roller diameter (mm) Lower roller diameter (mm) Side roller diameter (mm) Motor power (KW) Length (mm) Height (mm) Width (mm) Weight (ton)
W12-4×2000 2000 4 4 160 140 120 2.2 3920 860 1140 2.32
W12-6×2000 2000 6 6 190 170 150 3 4020 1250 1380 3.3
W12-8×2000 2000 8 8 210 190 170 7.5 4160 1320 1370 4.2
W12-10×2000 2000 10 10 230 210 180 7.5 4160 1320 1370 4.62
W12-13×2000 2000 13 13 270 250 210 11 4510 1430 1520 6.8
W12-16×2000 2000 16 16 300 270 210 11 4420 1460 1730 7.2
W12-20×2000 2000 20 20 330 300 240 11 4470 1610 1840 9.12
W12-25×2000 2000 25 25 360 330 250 15 4400 2000 2120 10.4
W12-30×2000 2000 30 30 390 360 300 22 4790 2180 2200 18.8
W12-35×2000 2000 35 35 430 390 330 30 4300 2500 2450 24
W12-40×2000 2000 40 40 460 420 360 37 4500 2500 2450 32
W12-50×2000 2000 50 50 510 460 390 45 4500 3570 3000 45
W12-55×2000 2000 55 55 540 510 440 55 6000 3500 3400 51
W12-6×2500 2500 4 6 190 170 150 3 4020 1250 1380 3.6
W12-8×2500 2500 6 8 210 190 170 7.5 4660 1320 1370 4.6
W12-10×2500 2500 8 10 230 180 190 7.5 4660 1320 1470 5.56
W12-13×2500 2500 10 13 270 210 210 11 5009 1430 1520 7.2
W12-16×2500 2500 13 16 300 250 210 11 4920 1460 1730 8.11
W12-20×2500 2500 16 20 330 270 240 11 4970 1610 1840 10.57
W12-25×2500 2500 20 25 360 300 250 15 5040 1680 1900 11.8
W12-30×2500 2500 25 30 390 330 300 18.5 5020 1980 2100 15.8
W12-35×2500 2500 30 35 430 390 330 22 5280 2180 2200 20.7
W12-45×2500 2500 35 40 460 420 360 30 5645 2585 2300 30
W12-50×2500 2500 40 50 510 460 390 45 4800 2500 2450 45
W12-55×2500 2500 45 55 540 510 440 55 6000 3050 3000 49
W12-4×3000 3000 4 6 210 190 170 7.5 4660 1320 1370 4.8
W12-8×3000 3000 6 8 230 210 190 7.5 5160 1320 1370 6.5
W12-10×3000 3000 8 10 270 250 210 11 5510 1430 1520 7.9
W12-13×3000 3000 10 13 300 270 210 11 5420 1460 1730 9.02
W12-16×3000 3000 13 16 330 300 240 11 5470 1610 1840 12.02
W12-20×3000 3000 16 20 360 330 250 15 5540 1680 1900 13.2
W12-25×3000 3000 20 25 390 360 300 18.5 5520 1980 2100 17.54
W12-30×3000 3000 25 30 430 390 330 22 5780 2180 2200 22.5
W12-35×3000 3000 30 35 460 420 360 30 6140 2585 2300 32
W12-45×3000 3000 35 40 510 460 390 37 6300 2585 2300 40
W12-50×3000 3000 40 50 540 500 440 45 6500 3050 3000 52
W12-65×3000 3000 50 60 650 550 480 55 6500 3600 3500 66
W12-85×3000 3000 60 85 760 680 580 75 7500 4500 4150 110
W12-6×4000 4000 4 6 270 250 210 5.5 6000 1430 1520 8.9
W12-8×4000 4000 6 8 300 270 210 5.5 5920 1460 1730 9.93
W12-10×4000 4000 8 10 330 300 240 7.5 6970 1610 1840 14.92
W12-13×4000 4000 10 13 360 330 250 11 6050 1680 1900 16
W12-16×4000 4000 14 16 390 360 300 18 6050 1980 2100 20.8
W12-20×4000 4000 16 20 430 390 330 15 6280 2180 2200 26
W12-25×4000 4000 20 25 460 420 360 18.5 6640 2585 2300 38
W12-30×4000 4000 25 30 510 460 390 22 6640 2960 3000 52
W12-35×4000 4000 28 35 540 510 440 30 7000 3050 3000 60
W12-40×4000 4000 35 40 650 550 480 45 6500 3000 3000 84

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