Pheromone Traps
Fruit flies trap
Triangular pheromone trap
Cylindrical pheromone trap
Multilayer funnel style insect trap
Single-layer funnel style insect trap
Butterfly trap
Ship stylepheromone trap
Our range of pheromone traps is a kindof insect trapthat is mainly designedto hold insect attractants, primarily insectpheromones. With the help of pheromones, the pheromone trap is able tolure and kill insects without touching agricultural products. As one of theeffective tool for organic pest control, the product is widely applied inagriculture and forestry. Differentfrom pesticides, the pest management solution will not do harm to humans, otherliving things and our environment.
1. Developed based on a large number of biological tests,our pheromone trap has a wide application field, stable performance and hightrap ability. It is internationally accepted as an optimal eco-friendly pest control method.
2. Produced by advanced nanotechnology, our product has long useful life.
3. The pheromone pest catcherwe offer aims at only the target insect, therefore it will not kill otherbeneficial insects.
4. Our product is of high volatility and high sensitivity. It does not touchthe crops directly, thus it does no harm to animals, plants, or the naturalenvironment.
5. The insect pheromones will not result in resistanceto drugs, because they kill the insect by means of its response to chemicalsubstances and prevent it from producing offspring.
6. Our pheromone trap can be used to determine the location and scope of theinsect attack, thereby aiding the management staff in taking proper pestcontrol measures.
7. This insect trapping deviceis economical, efficient, time-saving and easy to operate. It can be used inconjunction with other pestcontrol supplies.
1. Our pheromone trapsare applied along with insect sex pheromonesor other types of attractants to preventinsects in greenhouse, garden and warehouse.
2. They aresuitable for the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi and other life forms.
Whenand How to Use?
1. Pheromone traps can be selected according todifferent growth stages of crops, namely seedling stage, planting date and growing period, so as tocontrol diverse insects. The selection also depends on environmentalconditions.
2. Please thread an iron wire or stringthrough the lure, and hang it in the centerof the pheromone trap.If the trap is hung in the rice filed, the diameter of its support should betoo large, or the practical effect will be reduced.
3. It is properto install the pheromone trap in the lower-layer branches of the tree crown(2.0-2.5m) inspring. In summer, it should be installed in the middle or upper layer of thetree crown (5-6m).
4. Since the effective trapping radius of our insect trap is 50m, it is appropriate to install a trap every 100m.
5. The pheromone attractant core should be replaced every 50-60 days.
6. The pheromone trap needs to be checked regularly to remove the trapped pest.
Usage andMatters Needing Attention
1. Since the sex pheromone is highlysensitive, you should wash your hands before installing the attractant core foreach pest to avoid failure of the sex pheromone.
2. As long as you have opened the packaging bag, you had better use theattractant core in the bag as soon as possible.
3. The installation position, installation height and the airflow condition mayinfluence the trapping effect of our pheromone trap.
4. Since the sex pheromone lures imago, it is suitable to start trapping undera low density.
5. The sex pheromone attractant core is easy to volatile, so it needs to bestored in refrigerator under the temperature of -15°C -5°Cwhen it is not in use. You should tear the packaging bag only when theattractant core is going to be used. When you use the capillary attractantcore, you must first cut the seal on the one end.
Ship Type Pheromone Traps
1. Insert the four hooks into the pins of the upper lid of the pheromone traprespectively and press the hooks downward.
2. Tear the packaging of the trap board and fold it up along the folding mark.
3. Leave the trap board with the glued side upward and connect the trap boardto the four hooks.
4. Inset the attractant core into the serrated groove of the attractant corehandle and fix it on to the handle. Then cut the downward end of the seal ofthe attractant core with scissors and insert the attractant core handle intothe groove in the middle of the upper lid. After that, turn the attractant corehandle 90° to make it fixed onto the upper lid.
5. Adjust the position of the attractant core to make sure the distance betweenthe cut end of the attractant core and the trap board is not longer than 1cm.
6. Tie the pheromone trap installed with the attractant core to a bamboo pole.Be sure the pest trapis in a position not higher than 0.8mover the ground, but 5-10cmhigher than the top of the vegetables or crops. The installation height of our insect lure can also beadjusted according to the actual height of the crops.
Pheromone Insect Traps for Orchard
1. Unscrew the lid of thepheromone trap.
2. Cut the seal of the fly attractant.
3. Drip the fly attractant liquid on the paper sheet.
4. Screw the lid to the top end of the tank and then thread an iron wirethrough the small hole on the lid to tie the insect trap onto a bamboo pole.Adjust the installation position of the insect trap according to the height ofthe crops and hang it around the crops.
Triangular Pheromone Trap
1. Connect the plastic board of the pheromone trapinto a triangle shape through the bayonet.
2. Tear the packaging of the adhesive board and lay it onto the triangleplastic board smoothly.
3. Put the attractant core into the small container and cover the lid.
4. Insert the small container with attractant core into the round hole at thetop of the pheromone trap.
Butterfly Trap
1. Unscrew theupper lid and insert the attractant core handle into the middle groove of theupper lid. Then rotate the attractant core handle left or right at an angle of90° to make it fixed onto the upper lid.
2. Inset the attractant core into the serrated groove of the attractant corehandle and fix it onto the handle. Cut the seal on one end of the attractantcore. Then screw the upper lid to the top of the trap body.
3. When using this pheromone trap in the field, you must tie an insect trappingbag or a water bottle to the bottom of the trap. Then tie the pest trap to abamboo pole with the iron wire threaded through the holes of the trap. Theinsect trapping device needs to be installed about 1m high over the ground generally. The actualinstallation height can be adjusted based on the practical height of the crops.
Why Pheromone Insect Traps?
Our selection of insect traps areprimarily pheromone traps which use sex attractants to lure insects. The socalled sex attractants arethe biomimetic synthesis ofnatural insect pheromone. They slowly waftacross the field and lure insects to the trap, so as to kill them in a physicalmethod. Insect pheromones can be used tomonitor or predict the occurrence of insects for guiding the pest control inthe farmland, or disturb their copulation and kill them. Different frompesticides, pheromone traps and insectattractants will not contact plants or cause chemical pollution. Therefore,they are an efficient andreliable solutions for insect pest management.
A pheromone, also known as ectohormone,is the chemical substance evoking a social response in individuals of the samespecies. It may influence mutual behavior, habit, development and physicalactivity. Released from the gland of insects,it passes on other individuals through various media like air and water.
Title: Pheromone Traps | Pheromone Insect Traps |Xiangchen
Keywords: Pheromone traps, insect traps, pheromone insect traps, pest management solution, organic pest control, insectattractants, insect pheromones
Description: The pheromone traps and insect pheromones are used together forpest management. As one kind ofpheromone only aims at one kind of insect, so our pheromone insect traps willnot harm beneficial insects.