Home Corn Germ Meal

Corn Germ Meal

Corn Germ Meal

Corn Germ Meal


Corn Germ Meal is a by-product from theextraction of oil. It is obtained through two different processes that are dry degermination and wet degermination. It containstypically 18-20% crude protein and 1-2% fat and 11%-12% crude fiber. It’s areliable source of energy and protein for animals’ growth.


Cerealgrains mainly comprises of three parts, namely the bran, the germ, and theendosperm. The reproductive part that germinates to grow into a plant is knownas the germ. It is also known as the embryo of the seed. Our germ meal containsa variety of nutrition, much protein and a balanced profile of amino acid. Itcan be an effective ingredient for cattle, pigs, fish and other animals. Ittastes good, and could increase the rate of lean.  

Corn Germ Meal

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