Home Lab Liquid Sterilizing Machine

Lab Liquid Sterilizing Machine

LabLiquid Sterilizing Machine

1. Our lab liquid sterilizing machine canadjust the flow rate through the control over the homogenizer or the diaphragmvalve.
2. The sterilizingtemperature can be automatically adjusted by the PLC system, ranging from 63℃ to 140℃.
3. The operatingpower of our sterilizing machine is 8kw, with no additional power needed.
4. This sterilizing machine is equipped with a 120L/h, 60MPa homogenizer, and a3000kw chiller. It is also equipped with a touch screen and PLC program controlsystem, which can actively present the temperature, flow and other parameters.

Our lab liquid sterilizing machine is a kind of tubular sterilizationunit, which is especially designed to obtain specific laboratory test data. It ingratesthe heating, sterilization, cooling, heat recovery as a whole, and fully simulatesthe actual production flow in the workshop.

As a China lab liquid sterilizing machine manufacturer andsupplier, YINJI Company also offers plate sterilizer, bottled productssterilizing machine, emulsifying machine, and Ice cream Processing equipment, amongothers.

Lab Liquid Sterilizing Machine

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