Home Centrifugal Fan, 4-72 Series

Centrifugal Fan, 4-72 Series

4-72 series centrifugal fan is primarily designed for indoor ventilation purposes in factory and other large buildings. It works by delivering air or other non-flammable and harmless gases that will not corrode steel into the interior space, and exhausting those flammable and volatile gases out of the room.

Manufactured according to the industrial standards, 4-72 series industrial fan allows for no viscous material in the gas. Dirt and other large particle is no more than 150mg/m3 and gas temperature is lower than 80℃. Besides, for the convenience of users, we have employed an integral structure of fan and motor in our newly designed 2.8A-6A series industrial centrifugal fan.

Centrifugal Fan, 4-72 Series

Different kinds of 4-72 series products available in Rotech
1. 4-72 series centrifugal fan with vibration absorber;
2. 4-72 series double suction centrifugal fan;
3. 4-72 series centrifugal fan for high-temperature condition (≤500℃);
4. 4-72 series corrosion-resistant fan

NO. Rotating speed (r/min) Flow (m3/h) Total pressure (Pa) Motor power (kW)
2.8A 2900 1131-2356 606-994 1.5
3.2A 2900 1688-3517 792-1300 2.2
1450 844-1758 198-324 1.1
3.6A 2900 2664-5286 989-1578 3
1450 1332-2634 247-393 1.1
4A 2900 4012-7419 1320-2014 5.5
1450 2006-3709 329-501 1.1
4.5A 2900 5712-10562 1673-2554 7.5
1450 2856-5281 416-634 1.1
5A 2900 7728-15455 2019-3187 15
1450 3864-7728 502-790 2.2
6A 1450 6677-13353 724-1139 4
960 4420-8841 317-498 1.5
6D 1450 6677-13353 427-1139 4
960 4420-8841 317-498 1.5
8D 1450 15826-29344 1490-2032 18.5
960 10478-19428 887-651 5.5
730 7968-14773 512-376 3
10D 1450 40441-56605 3202-2532 55
960 26775-37476 1395-1104 18.5
730 20360-28497 805-637 7.5
12D 960 46267-64759 2013-1593 45
730 35182-49244 919-1160 18.5
6C 2240 10314-20628 1733-2734 15
2000 9209-18418 1380-2176 11
1800 8288-16576 1116-1760 7.5
1600 7367-14734 881-1389 5.5
1250 5756-11511 537-846 3
1120 5157-10314 431-679 2.2
1000 4605-9209 344-541 2.2
900 4144-8288 278-438 1.5
800 3684-7367 220-346 1.1
8C 1800 19646-36427 2302-3143 30-37
1600 17463-32380 1816-2478 22-30
1250 13643-25297 1106-1507 11
1120 12224-22666 887-1209 7.5-11
1000 10914-20237 707-963 5.5-7.5
900 9823-18213 572-779 4-5.5
800 8732-16190 425-615 3
710 7749-14368 356-485 2.2-3
630 6876-12749 280-381 2.2
10C 1250 34863-48797 1877-2372 37
1120 31237-43722 1505-1902 30
1000 27890-39038 1199-1514 18.5
900 25101-35134 970-1225 15
800 22312-31230 766-967 11
710 19802-27717 603-761 7.5
630 17571-24594 475-599 5.5
560 15618-21861 375-473 4
500 13945-19519 299-377 3
12C 1120 53978-75552 2172-2746 75
1000 48195-67457 1729-2185 45-55
900 43375-60712 1399-1767 37
800 38556-53966 1104-1395 22-30
710 34218-47895 869-1097 18.5
630 30362-42468 684-8631 15
560 26989-37776 540-682 7.5-11
500 24097-33728 430-543 7.5
450 21687-30356 348-440 4-5.5
400 19278-26983 275-347 3
16B 900 102810-143910 2497-3157 132-160
800 91392-127920 1969-2489 110
710 81110-113520 1549-1957 75
630 71971-100730 1218-1838 55
560 63974-89544 961-1214 37
500 57120-7950 766-967 30
450 51408-71955 620-783 18.5
400 45696-63960 490-618 15
355 40555-56764 386-487 11
315 35985-50368 303-383 7.5
20B 710 158410-221730 2427-3069 220
630 140560-196750 1908-2411 160
560 124950-174890 1505-1902 110
500 111560-156150 1199-1514 75
450 100400-140530 970-1225 55
400 89250-124920 766-967 37
355 79209-110860 603-761 30
315 70284-98376 475-599 22
280 62475-87445 375-473 15
250 55781-78076 299-377 11

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