Home HJJ Industrial Mixer

HJJ Industrial Mixer


The HJJ series industrial mixer is typically used as a feed mixer for small and medium sized feed mills. Featuring high working efficiency, short mixing time, inner airflow circulation, and reasonable price, this industrial mixer is a good helper for feed mill, chemical plant, foodstuff factory, flourmill, etc.

HJJ Industrial Mixer

Whether you are looking for feed mixer, flour mixer, industrial chemical mixer, or industrial food mixer, we can satisfy your demand depending on the HJJ series industrial mixing equipment.

The mixing time for each batch is 3-6 minutes with the mixing uniformity less than 7%. Also, the residue is less and the leakage of material can be fully avoided.

Technical Parameters of HJJ Industrial Mixer
Model Power (kW) Production Capacity (kg/batch)
HJJ71 3 250
HJJ80 7.5 500

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