Home TK-FC High Voltage Dynamic Var Compensator

TK-FC High Voltage Dynamic Var Compensator

1. Product Overview
Loads in the industries of oil, coal, steel, metallurgy, chemical engineering, as well as painting and dyeing produce a large number of harmonics in the work process. This causes serious pollution to the power system and affects the quality of electricity supply and consumption. The passive power filter absorbs the harmonic current generated by the harmonic source and can effectively suppress harmonic pollution.

The TK-FC high voltage dynamic var compensator is mainly composed of the filter capacitor, air-core filter reactor, and non-inductive wires. It is connected in parallel with the harmonic source during running. In addition to filtering, it also achieves the purposes of reactive power compensation and voltage regulation. Due to the features of reasonable price, high practicability, simple structure, reliable running, and convenient maintenance, the dynamic var compensator has been widely applied.

TK-FC High Voltage Dynamic Var Compensator

2. Service Conditions
Installation site Indoor or outdoor
Altitude ≤1000m, for special places, the altitude can be determined in consultation
Ambient temperature -40℃~ 45℃
Relative humidity ≤85%
The installation and operation site should have no severe vibration, no harmful gas or vapor, and no conductive or explosive dust.
Contamination class III for heavily polluted areas, users can consult us
Wind speed ≤35m/s
Ice thickness ≤10mm
Seismic intensity VIII

Related Names
High Power Supply System | Power Factor Device | Power System Control Unit

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