Containing up to 80%protein, and rich in nitrogen, feather meal is a source of amino acid andslow-release, organic, high-nitrogen. In fact, it has a higher content indietary minerals and most of amino acids than fish meal. The content of its cystine ranks top in all the natural food. It is watersoluble.
As a high nutrient feed valued by the livestock industry, our feather meal iswidely used. It is an excellent digestible protein and energy source. It canpromote the health and growth of fur of animals. It could prevent some diseaseslike hoof disease, unhairing, dermatitis, etc.Chicken feather meal can reduce the cost of feed and improve the laying rate.
Feather meal is produced by hydrolyzing clean, undecomposed feathers from slaughtered poultry. The protein in feather meal is degradedslowly in the rumen compared to most other protein sources. A combination offeather meal and urea produced average daily gains in growing beef cattlesimilar to that achieved with soybean meal.
Feather meal is derived from a very different form of protein. Keratin, aprotein that occurs in hair, hoofs, horns and feathers, and is veryindigestible when fed to animals as protein or introduced to the soil asfertilizer. The structure of keratin is very tight and not easily broken downby soil bacteria. This attribute makes feathers an excellent long-term sourceof nitrogen but not appropriate for the plant's immediate needs.