The TKDM1 molded case circuit breaker is usually used to distribute power and to protect lines and power equipment from the damage of overload, under-voltage, short circuit, and other faults. It is applied in the power system with the rated frequency of AC 50Hz or 60 Hz, the rated insulation voltage of 800 V, the rated working voltage of 690 V or below, and the rated working current up to 800 A. The product with rated current of 630A or below can also be used for motor protection.
1. Standards Compliant
a. IEC 60947-1:2001 and GB 14048.1-2006 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Equipment - General
b. IEC 60947-2:2006 and GB 14048.2-2008 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Equipment – Circuit Breaker
c. IEC 60947-5-1:2003 and GB 14048.5-2008 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Equipment - Electromechanical Control Circuit Devices
d. IEC 60947-4-1:2009 and GB 14048.4-2010 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Equipment - Electromechanical Contactor and Motor Starter
Ambient temperature | -5℃~ 40℃ 24-hour average temperature ≤ 35℃ If the product needs to work in environment with temperature beyond the above range, customers should discuss with us. |
Altitude of installation site | ≤ 2000m |
Humidity | ≤ 50% at 40℃ At lower temperatures, higher humidity is allowed. For example, humidity is allowed to reach 90% at 20℃. Special measures should be taken for occasional condensation caused by humidity changes. |
Pollution degree | 3 |
Protection class | IP30 |
Installation category | Main circuit: III Auxiliary circuit and control circuit: II |
Maximum inclination | ±22.5° |
The installation site should have no explosive media in the air, no corrosive gas or conductive dust that may destroy insulation, and no rain or snow erosion. | |
The product should be installed and used according to the instruction manual. |
Related Names
Shunt Trip Breaker | Thermal Circuit Breaker | MCCB Breaker