Home LJ340/CENA1 Plastic Mould Steel

LJ340/CENA1 Plastic Mould Steel

LJ340/CENA1 Plastic Mould Steel

LJ340/CENA1Plastic Mould Steel

The LJ340/CENA1plastic mould steel belongs to P21. The thickness of block can be up to 400 mm. If customers are looking forprecipitation or age hardened mould steel, our product is the ideal option,which offers great uniformity of hardness across the cross section. It is nitridable,weldable and dimensionallystable. Inaddition, it has good machinability and mirror polishability.As a result, our product is increasingly used in many applications, like steaminjection moulds, flat screen housing moulds.

Alloying %
C 0.15
Si 0.8÷1.3
Mn 0.3÷0.8
Cr 3.5÷5.0
Mo 0.8÷1.2
Special elements are added.

LJ340/CENA1 Plastic Mould Steel

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